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Timeless Eyes

You and your deep cold stare, Tears like a bullet through my armour, Pouring through me like lava, Do you even see me? Your timeless eyes, They capture me, Encapsulate, Fixate, Destroy me. Here I am, lost in your grip, Your image haunts my every thought, It ...

Listed by Michelle Berry 2 years ago
Nothing but okay

(Verse1) I Say nothing but okay I Tell nothing even when i know I’m in the wrong way Even when you scream loud at me I hide it all inside me Like nothing happened at all You treat me like a shit bag Like I’m an old shitty doll I’m sick of it all (Chorus) I ca...

Listed by Emma loop-rock 2 years ago
cheat and repeat

cheat Im sorry, I wont cheat over and over repeat cheat, Im sorry, I wont cheat over and over, repeat When you leave my body shakes pit of doom and it aches my heart is frozen it cant beat all I think is you will cheat cheat im sorry I wont cheat over and over, repe...

Listed by Adrienne Wakabayashi 2 years ago
The Land of the Forgotten

(Stanza 1) I reside in the land of the forgotten Always a choice, never being the choice Labeled a mistake Someone to be, never someone to have You were everything I had You plucked my soul from this desolate land (Chorus) The land of the forgotten Where forgetting i...

Listed by Andrew Larcher 2 years ago
Not Done Yet

So many years you and I We had no clue when we said let’s give it a try We were both pretty young when we decided on this Was it our first encounter, that special first kiss? All I know is we’re so far from being done Our love is so strong we’ve got this one Our lo...

Listed by Barbara Poor 3 years ago
Keep Moving Forward

You’ve heard the words raise a little hell Get up get out and don’t be afraid to yell Use your voice to make some noise Say what you want and no need for poise keep moving forward and don't you look back keep moving forward and no time to kick back Bring your excitem...

Listed by Sati Rana 2 years ago
An Awesome Victory - Overcoming COVID!!!!

WRITTEN BY LYNNE MACLEOD WITH MY HUSBAND JACK AND JACK’S TEDDY BEAR!!!! The isolation and severing of treasured social ties, The starkness and sadness amid confusion Jobs, income and lifestyles gone awry The insecurity of not having requisite answers New uncertainties ...

Listed by Lynne L Macleod - Mrs. Jack - with my husband Jack and Jack's teddy bear!!!! 1 year ago
But she only came back (just to say goodbye)

I said when she showed up Honey, let’s start again Put the old hurt behind us Once more lovers and friends I greeted her warmly Said hello sugar pie But she only came back just to say goodbye I said I was sorry didn’t mean to do wrong Told her a lie And th...

Listed by Edward M. Krauss 2 years ago
The First Real

When you are yourself all the time When there are no words needed for a while Everything is said by a glance of her eye And she lets you call her mine When you know another day is gonna be great Coz every day feels like the best date She always lights up your day like...

Listed by Daniela Hlucha 3 years ago
Watching the Wind Go By

A thousand shards of universe are flooding in my ears So many skies are falling I don't know where to send my tears And more shards keep on coming, the world is crumbling through the years And we are falling too, falling through And I'm just standing here, talking to the...

Listed by Daniel Medeiros 2 years ago

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    Sylvia Robertson, Kentucky USA
