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The First Real

When you are yourself all the time When there are no words needed for a while Everything is said by a glance of her eye And she lets you call her mine When you know another day is gonna be great Coz every day feels like the best date She always lights up your day like...

Listed by Daniela Hlucha 3 years ago
The Presence of Angels

Johnny wiped the dust off the glass, Let out a gentle sigh and wiped a tear away from his eye. Smiles that hid a thousand tales, hiding losses, broken dreams, when life was torn apart at the seams. Janey remembered her mother’s voice as if it were yesterday. ...

Listed by Keith John McKee 2 years ago
Little Girl

verse 1 little girl it seems like you have no one to talk to I'm here for you. little girl it's not your fault. don't be harsh on yourself. it's time to be strong and brave. little girl it's time to take this step. from this horror you could be saved chorus little g...

Listed by Olivier Thermitus 4 months ago

1 verse I reached for her this morning and she was gone. My eyes filled with tears she had left me all alone. When she left me it tore my world apart. Webster this should be the definition of a broken heart. CHOURS Webster should define a broken heart as pa...

Listed by James L Johnson 3 years ago
A Picture

A Picture Renee’ M Jones Late night talks of what might have been, If only people didn’t get in our way back then. Reminiscing of the past, and where I saw you last; Dancing with you under the stars as a stranger, I felt as if I knew you then. (Chorus) You were t...

Listed by Renee Jones 3 years ago
If He Treats Her Wrong

IF HE TREATS HER WRONG Pick up a shovel, dig a big hole Stand up straight, nice and tall Got shiny shoes and new watch Paying all bills each n every month But all this shit don’t mean much Only about what you do You can try to be a man Do it all day long All the w...

Listed by Xavier Burke 3 years ago
Heart Attack

The doctor sent me home to rest, he said you’ve got a broken heart causing pain in your chest. He said it couldn’t heal on its own, I asked him how when the love of my life is gone. The nurses gave my hugs trying to make me feel better All I could remember is what you wro...

Listed by Sharen A Barnes 5 years ago
Easily Fade Away

There's only sadness... left in me There's no anger... you can see I've left all my... pain behind Otherwise I'd... lose my mind I lost all my... friends this year Pulled away... because of fear Afraid to look them... in the eye 'cause then I'd see... it was no lie ...

Listed by T.S. 3 years ago
Frozen in Time

Don’t let all your hero’s Go out of your mind For some they’re still with us Frozen in time Now I like the slow life The fast lanes too much The old timers they’ll tell you Hey now what’s your rush Cause all the things All the things I’ve been shown What they call p...

Listed by Michael Lewis 3 years ago
Livin on the Cul de Sac

Livin’ On the Cul De Sac Down at the end of the dead end street Life is cool in fact it's really sweet. The lawn chairs are out, the drinks are cold Everyone's out young and old Livin' on the cul de sac Kids riding their bikes up and down Everyone's laughing no...

Listed by Barbara Poor 3 years ago

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