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The Land of the Forgotten

Andrew Larcher Buy

Andrew Larcher

(Stanza 1)
I reside in the land of the forgotten
Always a choice, never being the choice
Labeled a mistake
Someone to be, never someone to have
You were everything I had
You plucked my soul from this desolate land
The land of the forgotten
Where forgetting is the only thing
The only thing that makes sense
but how...
(Stanza 2)
Now I find myself stuck
Stuck in the land of the forgotten once more
Slowly dying. Never really living though
If you were ever living at all
These memories flow through
You were suffocating me
With all the shit you put me through
Now you are the one who gets to hate me
The land of the forgotten
Where forgetting is the only thing
The only thing that makes sense
but how...
(Stanza 3)
Thats okay baby I hate me too
It cuts through me
Leaves everything to show
Here in the land of the forgotten
Is where you left me... broken
Like I am the one who sinned
Damn look how you shine though
Now I am stuck wishing you were mine
Standing in the line of single men
The land of the forgotten
Where forgetting is the only thing
The only thing that makes sense
but how...
(Stanza 4)
I saw you the other day
Beautiful in the usual way
I fell in love with you again
Then I saw him, your new victim
You made me feel ashamed
I was lamed by the knife 
Now I lay here bleeding out
Calling out in the land of the forgotten
The land of the forgotten
Where forgetting is the only thing
The only thing that makes sense
but how...

Written by: Andrew Larcher

Submitted on: January 11, 2022

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