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I don’t know what the fuck go do

I don’t know what to do. Everything in my life is screwed I thought on going to school but it turned I’m in shity pool. Tried my way working hard. But the dough is not to enough bake a dime.

Listed by Amgad wawi 10 months ago
Wild flower

Stay wild lil blossom child Let your flowers bloom Growing towards the glow of the Sun Up out of the Shadows Gloom My ..Wild.....Wild..... Wild... Flower Stay.....Wild..... Let the Earth Feed You and drink the Heavenly Rain Your Beauty wi...

Listed by James Ferguson 2 years ago
I'll never leave me

Yeah, yeah I’ll be here watching you through the window The only memory of you would be your shadow Yeah, do me a favour Don’t slam the door Cos I’m still alive Observe my demeanour I’m a smash bird to the core And that isn’t a lie No, no, no, no Yeah No, no,...

Listed by Sandy 10 months ago
When you meet

Heart blossoms when you meet, Got a strange feeling. I don't know when and how, Someone so special. You who came so close, Gave me a comfort. Took away all the sorrow For a moment's happiness. How to say what is the condition of the heart, It is speechless. I got s...

Listed by Pooja Rajpurohit 2 years ago
You can rename this

yea I'm drinking again, this chaos won't leave my brain. handle me some extra shots, I need to escape all sober thoughts. I don't wanna be drinking 'bout my problems anymore, I'm always acting out like a drunk mess attentionwhore. I drank up every sorrow, Never thinking...

Listed by i.m 3 years ago
The Fire is Burning

Outside it is raining, you won't hear me complaining Inside a fire is blazing. Got my warmth inside and it's raging. Got it all locked down with pride, In Content town around me outside. Proud of knowing though it's raining, I can spend these many odd days in. So let i...

Listed by E Lloyd Kelly 2 years ago
No hope

Renting a limo but I see nothing through the window I’m playing a game day in and day out there’s no time for anything right now just leave it all as is I’m walking on water I’m the next miracle I got my dogs no longer they’ll ride for my ego is bruised by a stone a long time ...

Listed by Bryan Accede 3 years ago
I Got Baby Fever!

Verse 1: Bottles, Diapers & discarded White Castle Wrappers everywhere, Sleepless nights, disheveled hair, Baby shakes rattle, baby shakes rattle, Houseful of kids who Luvs to tattle, Chorus: Cause I got baby fever and there’s only one cure, A maternal inf...

Listed by Tina Knowledgeable Peden 2 years ago
Little Girl

verse 1 little girl it seems like you have no one to talk to I'm here for you. little girl it's not your fault. don't be harsh on yourself. it's time to be strong and brave. little girl it's time to take this step. from this horror you could be saved chorus little g...

Listed by Olivier Thermitus 3 months ago
Poor Democracy

I shake my head at the screen As rioters lose their minds My insides boil with rage As the Capitol splits in two Violent, far-right, neo-Nazi Fighting, shooting, very bloody Violent, far-right, neo-Nazi Poor democracy Five people lose their lives All because of on...

Listed by Abdoul Hakeem 3 years ago

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