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Heart Attack

Heart Attack The doctor sent me home to rest, he said you’ve got a broken heart causing pain in your chest. He said it could heal on its own, I asked him how when the love of my life is gone. The nurses gave my hugs trying to make me feel better All I could rem...

Listed by Sharen Barnes 3 years ago
Heart Attack

The doctor sent me home to rest, he said you’ve got a broken heart causing pain in your chest. He said it couldn’t heal on its own, I asked him how when the love of my life is gone. The nurses gave my hugs trying to make me feel better All I could remember is what you wro...

Listed by Sharen A Barnes 5 years ago
How Do You Know?

Verse #1 Hello, I just called just to see how you was doing, haven’t heard from you in a while. The last time I seen ya, you was kneeling in the church aisle, crying out loud, Asking God why, and asking God how, You left your tears at the altar, grabbed your bible and wa...

Listed by Patrick Pierce 3 years ago
I am grateful to you

The Earth and the Sky exist because of our Love Night turns to day because of our Love Its Raining happiness All my dreams fulfilled because of our Love “You are my God don’t ever leave me.” Bless me with this grace and bring peace to my heart. O Lord, I am grateful...

Listed by Giftson Kannamplave 3 years ago
I don’t know what the fuck go do

I don’t know what to do. Everything in my life is screwed I thought on going to school but it turned I’m in shity pool. Tried my way working hard. But the dough is not to enough bake a dime.

Listed by Amgad wawi 10 months ago
I Got Baby Fever!

Verse 1: Bottles, Diapers & discarded White Castle Wrappers everywhere, Sleepless nights, disheveled hair, Baby shakes rattle, baby shakes rattle, Houseful of kids who Luvs to tattle, Chorus: Cause I got baby fever and there’s only one cure, A maternal inf...

Listed by Tina Knowledgeable Peden 2 years ago

I LOVE THAT LAND OF PROMISE(COUNTRY)HAPPY MOOD BY FRANCESCO BARTALINI Verse 1 With a promise of a land A land of hopes and stories untold We waltz into the dawn The lights lead the way Pre-Chorus And the sun, and the sun And the wind, and the wind Chorus Build a T...

Listed by francesco bartalini 4 years ago
I need you baby

i like it when you call my name I feel like I belong to you all my life I know you are meant to be with me from the first second since I saw you but life was cruel to us and we had many obstacles in the end we will fly far away to another world and be happy together i l...

Listed by Vlasta Havran 3 years ago
I'll never leave me

Yeah, yeah I’ll be here watching you through the window The only memory of you would be your shadow Yeah, do me a favour Don’t slam the door Cos I’m still alive Observe my demeanour I’m a smash bird to the core And that isn’t a lie No, no, no, no Yeah No, no,...

Listed by Sandy 11 months ago
I'm not your angel inspired by Bonnie and Clyde

I'm not your angel Heaven sent To save you Is not my intent I'm no saint And I'm no messiah here to guide you To the light I'm not god You would not want to worship me anway cause I would lead you astray you told me you could make all my dreams come true so I...

Listed by JES 10 months ago

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