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I hope that somebody out there Will truly love you one day Maybe more or less as I do Maybe your angels can guide you Maybe you think of us in your dreams Maybe your soul looks for love, it seems Maybe your days are too busy now Keeping yourself going somehow And...

Listed by Daniela Hlucha 3 years ago
That certain kind of love

What is it that makes me think about you, yet at the same time leaves me blue. Could it be this, that is sent from above, you know that certain ohhhhh kind of love What is it that causes this heartbeat I never knew, that runs so deep I know it's for you Could it be th...

Listed by Debra s Triggs 1 year ago

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    “The new marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for artists, and the potential to sell lyrics for development.”

    Sylvia Robertson, Kentucky USA
