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The Marketplace Page #2

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Coronavirus Cure

Rap Song: I can rap, rap, rap Like a maternal copulater When I snap, snap, snap I unravel my mind I travel in time I Followed my journey guide To the other side I am in control of my human puppet On a spirit string There is no death We made it up Your body is a ves...

Listed by Dr. Brandy L. Willey 1 year ago

(Intro) Yea baby let me see that pompa yea (Verse) Sabes que senorita vente pa ca and chupale a mi paleta come on mamasita vente pa ca en mi cama we can have sex all night long and record it on my camera I will have you screaming all night long like oooh papa because I will...

Listed by Steven Flores 1 year ago
Snake eyes

This chip on my shoulders ain't nachos/ 30 round clip in tha draco/ if you still gotta count yo money then you're still broke/ cat's always claimed they got

Listed by Teng Bang 3 years ago

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     What people are saying

    “The new marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for artists, and the potential to sell lyrics for development.”

    Sylvia Robertson, Kentucky USA
