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Since that day

Mahendra Nath Maharana Buy

Mahendra Nath Maharana

I am a passionate screen play writer and a lyric composer. Writing is my hobby but recently I thought to take these as my profession.

Since that day in May, 
It was hot in sun ray, 
As I saw you by my side, 
I felt a passionate tide 
In me. 
It has been months back, 
We are friends for namesake, 
Whatsapp chatting and floating SMS, 
You suggest sometimes downloading Netflix, 
Are you so simple or guile? 
Still I remember your first sexy smile,
Then. ............
Why don't you touch me? 
Why don't you blaze me? 
How long can I wait and see?
Come very closer and feel very free, 
Just feel my booming peas, 
And heal and heal and heal me. 
And all the emotions men wed through the most, 
Teenage feelings grow thickest.
We know we are the same in opposite gender,
We are one type, Just in each other. 
You know I am burning, I am burning, I am burning  very much within,
I know you are not free from, not free from, not free from 
Scorching burning. 
All know tempest occurs in stormy sea, 
With high tidal waves, sea pays the best fee. 
Are you so simple or guile? 
Still I remember your first sexy smile, 
Why don't you touch me? 
Why don't you blaze me? 
How long can I wait and see? 
Come very closer and feel very free, 
Just feel my booming peas, 
And heal and heal and heal me. 
It is not time for downloading YouTube videos, 
And to fix on all the lusty, porny goes. 
I know that from day first  I am sick, 
Day by day, you made me grow cherubic. 
I wish to hold you tighter and tighter and tighter holding pillow in lieu, 
It is so paining kissing and kissing and kissing really a pseudo you. 
My time for all is a fast flowing Dee, 
I wish to be crossed by a strong yachtie. 
Are you so simple or guile? 
Still I remember your first sexy smile, 
Why don't you touch me? 
Why don't you blaze me? 
How long can I wait and see? 
Just feel my boomin peas 
And heal and heal and heal me.

Written by: Mahendra Nath Maharana

Submitted on: May 23, 2021

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1 Comment
  • anand_m
    Excellent Poem Sir. You showed your talent. Great work. Best wishes.
    LikeReply 23 years ago


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