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These Life poem lyrics by mcdavidlee3 are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of $1,000 - $10,000. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.

Life poem

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mind floods with things and sings of a possible dream that brings my heart to a place with the sound of i dont know cant say how do i show u and bring back a decent anwser and poise when noise is in the air like a ring on the mobile dial for a while when can it pause and when is it done for me to keep care of those i hold alive inside take it with me pleased to be here with u thank u just us i guess so it would do me a pleasured pause within the law of my awe whats goin on and how long will it be when is longer peace here to keep for good last but not least when shall
 it pass me by or stop and say goodbye it seems we are a sound in time

Life is hard Life is good
Life is God Lifes the hood
Life a bitch Life is cool
Life a ditch Life is tool
Lifes is cold Life is hot
Life is told Lifes a clock
Life is up life is down
Lifes whats up Life is now
Life is left Life is right 
Life is death Life is Life

Written by: mcdavidlee3

Submitted by: mcdavidlee24sk on September 01, 2020

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    "Life poem Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 5 Jun 2024. <>.

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